entry log


total yap session

wowee! my first ever actual blog entry on neocities!! that's real fun isn't it. i'll be honest and say there isn't really all that much i wanna talk about... i mostly just gotta get an entry down here so i can make this part of my site public LOL
i meant to do a lot more productive stuff today than i actually have... i was off college bc i've been ill today, so i thought hey, i should probably catch up on a little bit of work since i'll be missing a class. yeah that totally didn't happen. i actually spent most of the say, embarrassingly, watching youtube shorts - i am in fact greatly afflicted by the classic brainrot, although i really want to try and stop wasting all my time on shortform content. gotta get some more hobbies, yknow!
speaking of hobbies actually, i've been putting more thought into writing a fantasy book or something recently. it's one of those things that i've been on and off about for years, since committing to something like that is a big task for me and i've never been entirely confident in any of my premises before. but maybe this time will be different? i dunno, and i guess i never will til i start writing.
it's super hard figuring out what i want to do after college - since i no longer have the mega pressure of needing to go to uni, it's opened up a ton of different avenues for me. i really want to start my own business, but that'll take a lot of work. i've been looking into designing & ordering some 'prototypes' of keychains i want to sell so i can test out the quality of the company i'm considering getting them from. design wise, i want to make myself some silly halloween-themed fear & hunger keychains, probably characters from 1 & termina. d'arce hiding in a big pumpkin, vampire l'egarde, werewolf ragnvaldr and zombie daan are all pretty big contenders. only time will tell what i actually end up making, though.
aaaaaaaand now i'm thinking about halloween... it's spooky season in just 10 days! halloween is my absolute FAVOURITE holiday, to the point where i haven't taken down my decorations for at least 2 years at this point... i want to go to a store near my college and buy some more for this year soon too, since they're already selling them. my current decorations have always been a big hit with my friends when they come to visit, especially the little skeleton that dangles from a shelf near my bed. it has a weird little quirk where, if you move the leg properly, the knee can get stuck in a half-bent position (i reached up from my laptop just now to mess with it. it's stuck at almost a 90 degree angle :P) and people love to laugh at it. my own personal favourite, though, is probably the pom-pom garland my mom handmade for me 2 years ago that's strung above my bed. the black pom-poms have googly eyes and pipecleaner legs sticking out of them so they look like little spiders!! there's even one that you can spin around so sometimes i reach up above me from my bed and spin it.
with all of this said, though, i can't really think off the top of my head right now of anything more to say. stuff'll come to me eventually though, and i'll just write more entries then.
signing off for now!